A Glorious Day for America
Our long national nightmare may be over, but the hard work of recovery remains.
It’s a great day for America. I’ll keep it short because this piece is reflective and we should all be out celebrating.
I’m feeling far more emotional than expected. I found the benedictions fascinating and uplifting. The Rabbi was grounded in scripture and learning. The Pastor brought spirit, passion, and joy. The Priest asked God to grant strength to us humans. They could hardly have done better had they coordinated their prayers.
They are perfectly attuned to the moment. In March 2020, a criminal element seized control of our country. Over nearly five dark years, they eviscerated the Bill of Rights, turned the rule of law into a joke, ushered an invasion force into our country, looted the treasury, made our citizens poorer and less safe, and inverted basic morality.
Less than a year into their reign, they ushered in a puppet. Joe Biden took office with a dark, divisive, terrifying inaugural speech—that his echo chamber immediately lauded. He—though more accurately the power brokers running fiefdoms and gangs who pulled his strings—violated every ounce of trust the American people place our leaders. He exited office the way he entered: Mired in corruption, division, and darkness.
More than convictions, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. History must record what happened. Our institutions must reject any of their criminal measures as precedential. And we must reform those institutions! It’s one thing to alleviate symptoms—the problems most evident, closest to the surface, and most threatening. It’s another to recall that our systems and our institutions manifested all of those systems. Without structural reform, the alleviation of symptoms will prove ephemeral.
Those of you aware of the ways that this darkness was leveraged to attack my personal life, my family, and in particular my children, recognize that I am hardly an exception. The carnage heaped upon the American people, the inversion of morality, the elevation of conformity and compliance above integrity, happened largely behind the scenes. Most such stories lack the spectacle capable of generating public interest.
So, yes. We made it. But the damage of the last five years continues. My children may never recover from the horrors inflicted on childhood. If they do, many in their cohort group will not.
For the sake of all American children, we must turn things around quickly. It’s an imperative: Make America Great Again!
May God bless President Trump and may God bless America!
For more information about Bruce D. Abramson & American Restorationism, visit: www.BruceDAbramson.com
To learn more about America’s Spiritual Crisis and the new religion of Wokeism, see: American Spirit or Great Awokening? The Battle to Restore or Destroy Our Nation (Academica Press, 2024).
To learn more about how America’s elites destroyed the republic, see: The New Civil War: Exposing Elites, Fighting Utopian Leftism, and Restoring America (RealClear Publishing, 2021).
To learn more about the ideology driving today’s anti-American leftism, see: American Restoration: Winning America’s Second Civil War (Kindle, 2019).
To learn more about our work at the American Coalition for Education and Knowledge, visit us at The Coalition for America.
To learn more about how I turn the ideas I discuss here into concrete projects that serve the interests of my clients, donors, and society at large, please e-mail me at bdabramson@pm.me.